Trying to make an RPG with an island setting
Thanks Ultramarine!

Hypnagogic_Haze: The engine I intend to use is known as FLARE (Free Libre Action Roleplaying Game). I chose it because it is easy to use and it suits my needs. With some thought and planning I should be able to make the game I set out to within the limitations of the editor. In a certain sense, with this engine the core game mechanics has already been "built" which allows me to focus on the art (concept and creation of art assets) and game design (creation of character abilities, progression and scenario).

The game has a small community on their forums. I think I should do a create a little more art before reaching out to them, though. It will probably be good to talk to the developers to gain a better idea of what could and could not be accomplished in the engine.

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RE: Trying to make an RPG with an island setting - by ateo88 - 09-14-2014, 02:58 PM

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