Thanks for the added insight Farvus. I think you have a good balanced head on your shoulders. You're right; nothing is ever black or white. This is the domain of the fundamentalist, and the sign of a non thinker.

Everything is change, so you must be willing to cultivate a positive attitude, move with, and always be open to change while keeping in mind your core beliefs and goals.

One thing I would say though as a message of warning is that you have to be really aware of yourself at all times, and watch out for self delusion (not saying you are doing this at all !) A rut is an easy thing to get into, and a really hard thing to break out of. Fear is the thing that keeps us from that scary change, even though it might be the best for us. Always go with your gut instinct unless it is birthed out of a fear rather than a sense of rightness.

I think what I am realising in my own journey is that nobody else can tell you what is right for you. I recently watched Interstellar. I was excited because I had seen posts from a lot of amazing concept artists, some of whom worked on similar movies for decades, rave about the movie. I thought it was pretty awful, more for the way it was made and the shitty acting and script than the core ideas or the science. It really made me realise that we tend to put people and what they do on pedestals. Actually, they can be just as dumb, uninformed, emotionally childish as the rest of us. It doesn't matter how good you are at what you do.

Yet we tend to find it harder to put ourselves on pedestals, and revere the potential of our own worth and our own ideas (not in an egotistical way) This is a mistake. I would love to see a world where all artists encourage themselves and others to realise their own potential even before it is manifested in actual worldly success, if ever! :)

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RE: TICKING CLOCK - by Amit Dutta - 11-14-2014, 05:21 PM
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