JyonnyNovice - from Novice to Master!
Adam Well, confidence and humility are much nobler qualities, although I do like Jeff Watts and learn from his youtube videos. What I think is arrogant though is saying that someone should be a master before they use watercolour - it's art man! it's for everyone, it's for people's enjoyment whether making it or looking at it. I know the route of learn drawing -> learn to render -> learn to paint -> (learn to paint in watercolour) is very valid and tried and tested but no need to stick to it too rigidly. Each piece done adds a little to overall understanding, as long as someone is diligent and thoughtful with their studies and learns from their mistakes it's all good, can jump around a bit to keep creative and motivated - that's how you develop a style anyway, by going your own path! And you're probably right about my values, I'll get to that when I work through the how to render book. Thanks for always checking out my sketchbook, it's great to have peer support.

Stuff from the past half week or so:

Quick figures:

[Image: fBdSxWA.jpg]

[Image: PGwVQun.jpg]

[Image: f5lrO0U.jpg]

Hampton & anatomy stuff:

[Image: 3DcXJAo.jpg]

[Image: Or4K15f.jpg]

[Image: Bn3veuy.jpg]

And seeing if all this study has actually helped my figure drawing, was pretty nervous to start the first one in case it ended up all bent and broken like my figures were before. Not perfect but pretty happy with the results:

Photo was from the waist up, did the legs from imagination
[Image: baevfCh.jpg]

Full figure photo
[Image: l6A71vR.jpg]

Full figure photo
[Image: GL3POYu.jpg]

Trying to apply the invention side of the Hampton process, charcoal and pastel. It's pretty scrappy cause I really rushed and am not very proficient with charcoal - will try this again with good ol' graphite sometime soon:
[Image: D6RIAWf.jpg]

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RE: JyonnyNovice - from Novice to Master! - by JyonnyNovice - 11-28-2014, 09:24 AM

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