Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward!

Thanks! I'm just a freak and obsess frequently about clean pencil lines...
You're totally right about the rushing thing, but I'm so slow with every thing, there's no way I can rush even if I wanted to XD I'm actually not using a grid in my perspective things, the only thing I use are those vanishing points and horizon line in clip studio paint, other than that I'm doing it line by line pretty much. Or did you mean something else? I mean I need to add at least some reference lines to figure out certain stuff. Or do you mean just doing a study without even horizon line and vanishing points, by just trying to get the angles right by heart?


Thank you, I'm not sure what you mean about my "first painting" though?


I'm working on a rather big commission now and the general business from December somehow doesn't really help productivity concerning studies. I still kind of want to try posting more, even if it's just a few pictures.

The other day during lunch I watched a documentary about a zoological garden and they had baby chameleons. I thought they were some of the cutest things I'd ever seen, so I did some chameleon studies the other day and made a sketch for a possible illustration right after.

[Image: sketchbook5_by_cyprinusfox-d89xbrj.jpg]

[Image: illu_chamaelon_by_cyprinusfox-d89xbs3.jpg]

Right now it's still on a watercolour postcard pad, but I guess I'm going to redo it, possibly on bigger format. I guess an illustration like that would be a nice change from the usual things I do, so I'd very much like to finish it. I'm thinking about making the head of the chameleon bigger and I need to rethink the saddle (like leaving out the loop for the foot). There are a hell of unfortunate lines as well which are almost tangents....
So, C&C is very much welcome on this!



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RE: Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward! - by Cyprinus - 12-15-2014, 09:33 PM

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