JyonnyNovice - from Novice to Master!
Cool stuff man! Glad to see my feedback helped! :D Here goes the feedback:

I think you're approaching things in a more volumetrical way which is an improvement, you seem to be more aware of the spatial properties of the heads.

On the other hand, those eyes are way too streched, in the second picture for example they're almost eating into the ridge of the nose, so might wanna watch out for that, what works for me with eyes ( and sometimes I screw up pretty bad anyway) is to just put a couple of spheres as placeholders and work on the rest of the face, keep the spheres there and space them as best you can. When you're fairly done with the rest of the face you can start erasing parts of the spheres depending on how down the brow is or how shaggy you want the eyes to be, but don't work on that till you're done with the rest, just use placeholders.

Same for the nose, a triangular shape should work for most perspectives, use placeholders and focus on establishing the main facial volumes, and then wor your features so they work with the perspective and characteristics you have in mind, remember , from big to small is always the way to go. The simpler you can make something and still have it work, the better.

It's always hard to keep up that approach and many times I get entangled into overworking planes and stuff like that to later on realise that just showing a transition or a simple plane change would have worked better.

Overall, keep it up man, this is hard as fuck to master and you're doing the right thing just working your ass off. Oh! Also, before I forget, take your time, specially now that you're starting to establish your approach and to understand how them planes work, if you rush through you might even get good results, but you won't know where they came from.

When I started doing head studies and shit it took me about 30-40 minutes to finish one of the tiny heads I was studying, because I was taking my time to see and understand how to simplify the values or the structures and still make them work. In fact, I still take quite some time to pull off really simple looking shit, but speed comes with practice and understanding, so don't try to force the speed of your pipeline! :D


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RE: JyonnyNovice - from Novice to Master! - by Suira - 01-12-2015, 10:29 AM

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