Looking for a Parter/Group
Hello there everyone , I joined this forums not so long time ago . And found out about this section.

A little bit about me .

I am from Latvia , but currently studying in the UK. I am studying Animation and honestly I could not really find any art partners or groups in my class to study with. :( Even tho I am studying animation my passion goes towards Matte Painting , some 3d modeling and character design. I am currently 21 years old and started to take art seriously when I was 20 . So basically I am still a beginner. :(
So if anyone of you want to study together you can contact me through skype : "zheka1993" or just leave a comment here . :)

Sorry if I did not provide enough info about myself , I just don't really know what to write about :D

Messages In This Thread
Looking for a Parter/Group - by QQQ9 - 01-19-2015, 12:30 PM
RE: Looking for a Parter/Group - by gdsworld - 02-10-2015, 07:38 AM
RE: Looking for a Parter/Group - by NinoKitteN - 02-15-2015, 05:37 AM

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