Agerkvist's Sketchbook - help my plan my escape
Thanks Stardust. Line weight definately wasn't much of a priority when doing this one. Originally I intended to do a cleaned up version of the lines, but decided against it since they were to be painted over anyway. Next time I actually think I want to try to do my line drawing with very little variance in line weight, just a thin line to use as a guide. I think that will make the painting phase easier, but we'll see :-)

@Pindurski oh yeah? So is that your polite way of telling me I need ALOT more practice to get anywhere? :-P Or can you simply not get enough haha? :-D Thanks for stopping by man.

I'll be honest tho, I paint or draw every day but time is limited so I usually prioritize that over updating sketchbooks. But also, since the ork I've only been drawing traditionally and scanning stuff sucks.

But yeah, I should :-)


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RE: Agerkvist's Sketchbook - help my plan my escape - by Agerkvist - 02-05-2015, 04:32 AM

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