Growing pixels: the perseverance sketchbook
(02-07-2015, 05:03 AM)-echo- Wrote: Wow, great studies, I really like those still life studies. I'll think I will try that challenge myself some time. Seems that you have improved quite a bit and your values looks nice! The perspective is a little bit of on some of the studies tough, but you have already mentioned that yourself :) And as you have also already mentioned, you should do some stuff from imagination, I think you will do great! Keep it up!

Thank you very much echo! :) Definitely recommend it, it helps to stay focused and produce stuff. I'm struggling with the imagination part immensely at the moment, but I'll push myself to get something out.

(02-07-2015, 05:49 AM)Mariyan-Hristov Wrote: Interesting studies, especially the traditional ones :) Looking forward for your next updates

Thanks Mariyan :) Glad you like them!

Long time no update. A bunch of new things happening these days. I started the new term at uni, so my challenges are a bit hard to keep up, but I try nonetheless. Joined the really warm Magic Box community at Chris Oatley Academy, so I look forward to diving into some cool studies and pushing myself harder. I also try to participate in the Permanoobs 6-week Bootcamp but I still need to finish the first week stuff before moving on to week 2 - I decided to re-do the cube assignment, since I did it on paper and I wasn't happy with it. Also, doing it digitally helps get used to working perspective out on-screen. Or so I like to tell myself anyway. And on top of that, I try to keep my own challenges going. Too much stuff, too little time. But let's get to it:

This is for my second 10-day challenge: Landscapes. Trying to get better at color evaluation, analyzing the composition.. and learn how to do these rice paddies and that waterfall, so I can fix an oil painting I did last summer. Didn't make it for any imaginative stuff based on these refs. But I did get some stuff flowing in my brain - so maybe that's not too bad. But not good enough.

Next up, the bootcamp stuff. You can read all about the assignment on the link I just mentioned. This is assignment one and the initial cube assignments. I started over with the cubes, but I will probably post it later on this week so I can finish it off first. I don't know if I should show any face scribbles I do in my sketchbook - I know the anatomy is off by heaps, so it's only demoralizing.

At the same time, everyone so far encourages me to do stuff from imagination, so, not sure if I should keep working before showing the flaws of my limited visual memory first. I feel that some things can only be learned by studying them, so if you keep doing stuff with mistakes, and keep repeating the process, maybe the mistakes eventually become too hard to get rid off?

Ok, I started rambling again - on to the perspective stuff.

This one was about lenses (wide vs telephoto) - never sketched airplanes before. So that was something new. Next time I do this, I want to do some Scott Robertson bounding boxes though. Freehand just isn't cutting it for me, feel that dissecting and sculpting your form is much easier to wrap your head around when it comes to perspective.

And, here comes the part I don't like. I tried doing some thumbs with Noah Bradley's brush tools he gave out recently. The first four (left and mid column) I did in one sitting - lots of muddy stuff, unclear values, unclear idea, unclear everything. And no perspective, depth or.. you get the point. The last two I did tonight, just because I needed to relax a bit from today's pressure. Don't know if it's better in any respect, but I tried thinking "3 values" and "no details". Vague imagery. That's exactly why I feel like I need to get better at fundamentals first.. and keep doing these on the side. I hope I'm thinking about this right.


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RE: Growing pixels: the perseverance sketchbook - by Minksy - 02-10-2015, 06:28 AM

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