02-14-2015, 08:11 PM
@art44 yeah man, you could do better. Remember 1-2-3 rule. Foreground - middleground - background. Use atmosphere to show depth. Try not to zoom or execute details to early. The firs thing you wanna do is establish good composition, fell of depth and point of interest. Without all this foundation details wont save the picture.
@Yusuf Zmirlin Fun thumbs, but as its been said before. You should finish a few.
@JyonnyNovice Pick a Scott Robertson's Dvd on cars from gnomon if you haven't yet. The design unsexyness with that cars is that both of them have a pretty much the same section size. Front - cockpit, back. Its boring people love to see variety. Try to analyze and study (not just copy) real vehicles.
morning study
@Yusuf Zmirlin Fun thumbs, but as its been said before. You should finish a few.
@JyonnyNovice Pick a Scott Robertson's Dvd on cars from gnomon if you haven't yet. The design unsexyness with that cars is that both of them have a pretty much the same section size. Front - cockpit, back. Its boring people love to see variety. Try to analyze and study (not just copy) real vehicles.
morning study