Angel of death sci fi paintover please!
Bummer about missing the intake man, but you have seriously improved since you first contacted me on dA ages ago so just keep at it and find your own way forward :)

There are tons of opportunities out there, with every closing door another one opens etc etc. It's frikking true, you just have to trust in it!

I'll let you in on something I just found out to hit this point home. So I've been stressing out over the last week about quitting my job as I was hammering folios at studios and freelance jobs for my last 4 weeks at the day job. No hits at all. I was getting a bit desperate.
Yesterday was my last day of guaranteed income, and I was seriously thinking about chucking it in and looking for another day job. Got enough savings for about a month or two before the bank starts to foreclose on my ass, bills coming at me like crazy.
Literally within the last two days, I applied for a delayed payment project with no funding, thinking what the hell, it might keep me busy. Today I just got off the phone with the producer and scriptwriter, they are basically in the last stages of getting full funding, he sent me over contracts and NDAs. It's an animated feature film aimed at hollywood distribution. Today is literally my first day of full time freelance. Shit. just. opened up.
I am not saying this to toot my own horn because who knows how it will pan out, but trust that whatever you set out to do isn't always the way it is planned, but if you stay open and fight the fear, shit will open up for you. :)

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RE: Angel of death sci fi paintover please! - by Amit Dutta - 02-19-2015, 01:14 PM

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