Angel of death sci fi paintover please!
I think i may be ok actually, I sent them an email and they replied that a few dropped out last minute so there are like 4-5 places left before I go on the waiting list, ive sent off my portfolio and all the documents yesterday and I'm waiting on them now, i may still be too late but I can only try!

Mate I am so happy for you that is sick, even if (worst case) it doesnt pan out, that goes to show how far your quality portfolio can take you. I really hope that goes well for you, sounds like such an exciting opportunity that could really lead you anywhere! Really wish all the best for you buddy, congrats! Will let you know how FZD goes, worst case scenario I take a gap year, go travelling in asia and do my snowboard season and get some inspiration/ improve my portfolio! And thanks for the words about my improvement, I seriously owe so much to you for giving me crit every step of the way, you've been enormously helpful. Crack open the bubbly and celebrate mate, you've earned it like hell.

Train, gain, or stay the same.

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RE: Angel of death sci fi paintover please! - by Wardy - 02-19-2015, 07:55 PM

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