Agerkvist's Sketchbook - help my plan my escape
Yo, nice studies dude! Head construction is a tough problem to tackle, I think you're doing a really good job. I'd recommend more drawing from photos/life, paying special attention to the way the head is turned. I sometime draw a head-shapes box in perspective before starting the head so I can look back at is and remember exactly what orientation the head is in, that affects everything else.

I'd say one of your most common problems is getting the relationship of the face and the side plane of the head, seems like you foreshorten the side plane too much. A general rule of thumb I use is if the nose is close to the breaking the contour of the head, the ear will be inside, And if the ear is breaking the contour the nose will be inside. It varies with people's anatomy but it's a nice way to keep in mind whether you're drawing a 3/4 view that's closer to a front view, or closer to a side view.
If you get a hand mirror to look at your own head or a webcam to take reference shots that might help you out a lot. Try taking a look at your imagination drawings against references and finding errors in the drawing, that will show you what you need to work on. Good luck!


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RE: Agerkvist's Sketchbook - help my plan my escape - by Samszym - 02-24-2015, 03:55 AM

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