Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward!
Dayum!! That lineart is getting good as fuck man! Great job , I always liked your drawings but this stuff, if a lot better.

I am specially impressed with the ballpoint life drawings and the watercolor stuff, just fucking mindblowing quality my friend, a lot of security and elegance (smooth mother fucker xD).

It's awesome to leave for a month or two ( cuz life) and come back to see everybody kicking ass and making awesome progress, I'm baffled with everybody! :D

Oh! Yeah, the crit!:

Midtones, values, hues, saturation and a lot of that shit, I feel needs work, being more specific I would recomend you to just take up the tablet for a couple of months ( every now and then) and try to do a still life or simple studies, but painted, like focusing on just painting, and getting that shit completely figured out, I feel that if you can get that to speed with your line quality for example, you can do some awesome crazy shit. Keep up the good work buddy! :D


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RE: Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward! - by Suira - 03-02-2015, 03:13 AM

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