(03-01-2015, 07:36 PM)foxfire1345 Wrote: awesome ! havent watched HTT your Charizard yet, anyway im curious as how you gone about this. do you used texture and stuffs? im only trying to get around that workflow. i was thinking of putting in textures to my work , though im still a newbie at those. probably got a little ambitious to my underworld having it as a structure of some sort...

Thanks :) Highly recommend the movie, the amount of thought and work thats gone into it is amazing. Im normally not a fan of sequels but.. well this definitely pulled it off.

As for the texture in your own work. I do use texture, yes. I use photos to give myself some tooth when working and to riff off for ideas and then again for some final texturing. But in your piece, I think that you should focus on using some texture brushes as sort of an intro to texture. Because with photos, you get a whole lot of information, way more than you need for just texture and if you dont know what to do/how to handle that extra information is hurts your rather than helps.

A lot of people say that your values have to be on spec before using photos and that the tighter and better worked out they are the easier/more successful the texture will be. I think thats true but in my experience its more about the form you are putting the texture on. Edges play a big part in working out how a texture will sit in perspective and also making sure it works with the underlying forms. This is really hard to do when first starting with photos (I struggle like hell with this) because if you dont have everything basically rendered underneath you have to mentally juggle form, value, the photo, scale, perspective all at once and it is very confusing.

If you like, give it a shot and send me the result and I will see if I can help you out with it :)


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RE: CRIMSON REVOLVER 2 - Underworld WIP - by Jaik - 03-01-2015, 03:34 PM
RE: CRIMSON REVOLVER 2 - Underworld WIP - by Jaik - 03-02-2015, 02:14 PM

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