03-06-2015, 04:15 PM
@Jeso: Thanks man. About your card I find it a little odd that you would obscure the face of the main character with that arm. I feel there are some areas that feel a little clinical and could do with a bit of grunge and soft edges to give it a bit more of a textural atmosphere. Maybe try a soft vignette on the image as well to help frame the action as well. I like the rendering in general. A bit of awkwardness in that hip leg area but nothing catastrophic.
@Jyonny: Thanks man, much appreciated. I was just a bit of a drama queen yesterday. All things work out. The great thing is that I am getting craploads of freelance work. Kinda took me by total surprise. I wish I could post the stuff for that here, but I guess I shouldn't f* with the nda.
Anyway, have you tried doing bargue plate studies and focusing specifically on the eye area to nut out that alone? Stuff like these and others you can find might help?
@ninoKitteN: Crit away man. Be free. Your perspective is just as valid as anyone's as long as you know what you don't know.
@Jyonny: Thanks man, much appreciated. I was just a bit of a drama queen yesterday. All things work out. The great thing is that I am getting craploads of freelance work. Kinda took me by total surprise. I wish I could post the stuff for that here, but I guess I shouldn't f* with the nda.
Anyway, have you tried doing bargue plate studies and focusing specifically on the eye area to nut out that alone? Stuff like these and others you can find might help?
@ninoKitteN: Crit away man. Be free. Your perspective is just as valid as anyone's as long as you know what you don't know.