03-07-2015, 02:30 AM
Amit & Nino Thanks for the advice guys, I will try all that stuff.
Paul That colouring style really works, so beautiful, reminds me of watercoloured comic books like Blacksad https://d2lzb5v10mb0lj.cloudfront.net/da...sad_lg.jpg - throw some paper texture grain over yours and it'd look really authentic! Always girls though? How are you at drawing fellas? Thanks for the crit, I really suffer from that, almost everything I draw is skewed to the right - I try to look at it upside down and in the mirror and flip stuff when I scan it but usually it's too late to correct. Probably that's why my perspective stuff looks more solid than my other stuff since always spinning the page and aiming lines more precisely prevents that skewing (although a lot of it still comes out skewed). I'm sure there is some kind of daily exercise I can do to train myself out of that but I didn't find one yet... I'll try tomorrow like you suggested and throw down a horizon line and some verticals before I draw them.
Today's stuff, some skulls reference / memory, some heads, (everything skewed to the right >.<!) some Bargue drawings - first time I did Bargue and I really love it, it's like a kind of drawing meditation (and they didn't come out skewed ^_^b).
Paul That colouring style really works, so beautiful, reminds me of watercoloured comic books like Blacksad https://d2lzb5v10mb0lj.cloudfront.net/da...sad_lg.jpg - throw some paper texture grain over yours and it'd look really authentic! Always girls though? How are you at drawing fellas? Thanks for the crit, I really suffer from that, almost everything I draw is skewed to the right - I try to look at it upside down and in the mirror and flip stuff when I scan it but usually it's too late to correct. Probably that's why my perspective stuff looks more solid than my other stuff since always spinning the page and aiming lines more precisely prevents that skewing (although a lot of it still comes out skewed). I'm sure there is some kind of daily exercise I can do to train myself out of that but I didn't find one yet... I'll try tomorrow like you suggested and throw down a horizon line and some verticals before I draw them.
Today's stuff, some skulls reference / memory, some heads, (everything skewed to the right >.<!) some Bargue drawings - first time I did Bargue and I really love it, it's like a kind of drawing meditation (and they didn't come out skewed ^_^b).