Beam me up!
(03-11-2015, 06:32 AM)Amit Dutta Wrote: No worries Karolina! If you have any questions about CD or anything feel free to PM me if you like.

This forum has attracted mostly us of the "concept art / illustration" ilk where grinding our drawing and painting skills in order to reach the nirvana of "making it" as a pro seems to be the key goal. I sometimes wonder about the validity of this myself. You are an artist once you decide you are, not when some magic combination of external criteria happens.

In the past I was really interested in playing with light projection and using 3D mapping. Very cool stuff. Plus I enjoy writing and a bunch of other creative stuff so I don't like to lump myself into one box. It will be great to get some other varied interests up in here. :)

So do you want to combine your own illustrative work with installation type pieces or just installation work? If you are sketching or posting wips, definitely start a sketchbook thread here so people can keep an eye on your stuff.


Yes, I totally agree with you about 'making it'.

Personally, I've found myself moving away from representative work into more conceptual stuff. For a while there I was on an illustration path, but I ended up not finding it very fulfilling. I'm getting much more inspiration and excitement from letting myself explore all manner of concepts, and working with the goal to create strong experiences for the viewer, to make them feel. I'm not saying this can't be done with representative art, but it just wasn't doing it for me.

At the moment I'm working on some abstract paintings exploring things like the physics of light, and the concept of the frontier, and using them as studies to inspire a future installation I have in mind. But who knows where I'll go from here!

What kind of stuff do you work on nowdays Amit?

Do you think this forum is the right place for me if it's primarily skills grinding? Or can you recommend some threads/members who explore other stuff too? (or other forums..?)

Happy to have made your acquaintance in any case!

Messages In This Thread
Beam me up! - by Karolinaofthesea - 03-10-2015, 09:26 PM
RE: Beam me up! - by Amit Dutta - 03-10-2015, 10:04 PM
RE: Beam me up! - by Karolinaofthesea - 03-10-2015, 10:40 PM
RE: Beam me up! - by Amit Dutta - 03-11-2015, 06:32 AM
RE: Beam me up! - by Karolinaofthesea - 03-11-2015, 02:54 PM
RE: Beam me up! - by Amit Dutta - 03-11-2015, 08:38 PM
RE: Beam me up! - by Karolinaofthesea - 03-12-2015, 10:42 AM

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