Help me become a Professional Artist
figure stuff trying to intuitively know the gestures and balance of the figure
[Image: figure%20study.jpg]
[Image: gesture17315.jpg]
[Image: croquis%202.jpg]

faces from ref.they still look so wrong
[Image: faces%202.jpg]
[Image: faces.jpg]

crimson dagger challenge.
[Image: studies%20for%20something.jpg]
[Image: deity%202.jpg]

master studies and rendering stuff via painting
[Image: master%203.jpg]
[Image: sargent%20hard%20brush%20value%20study.jpg]
[Image: lighting%20lesson%201%20critiquedt.jpg]

these are very random , they are mostly paintings from ryan church. seeing just how colors interact with each other. picking them randomly and putting them wildly. theyre done like 10 min. each.
[Image: color%20study%20environment.jpg]

@sam wow thanks so much for the sincere reply. i can safely say that im at a position where i see my works as stepping stones not so much as just sucky drawings. when i say that im failing , i mean it in a good thing. because whenever i fail im starting to realize certain weaknesses.

youre right VALUES is really a pain in a butt right now. sometimes its hard to see things on a photo where everything is so blown up and theres so much details going on , its very hard to see simplified values.

looking at angles is very much a challenge for me especially when im drawing from life. but even when drawing from a book , i find it hard to judge an angle i always draw it skewed for some reason , its just a mileage thing right?

anyways really appreciate your help !


Messages In This Thread
RE: Help me become a Professional Artist - by KurtJeremy - 03-18-2015, 07:55 AM
RE: Help me become a Professional Artist - by Joe - 03-23-2015, 08:33 AM
RE: Help me become a Professional Artist - by Joe - 04-06-2015, 03:01 AM
RE: Help me become a Professional Artist - by Kir - 06-21-2015, 03:57 PM
RE: Help me become a Professional Artist - by Joe - 06-23-2015, 08:06 AM
RE: Help me become a Professional Artist - by Flo - 01-27-2016, 06:33 PM

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