I want to be the very best - M. Tsirides' Sketchbook
@Stonedpanda03: Thanks a lot man, I was thinking metal to be honest, I had in mind the structure of the bee as far as the design would go but I'm not sure how close I am to that thought. Need to work a lot on that. Thanks for your feedback :)

@Minksy: Thanks a lot for your good word, do you happen to understand Greek? :P
I'm planning on doing some studies on his movement, it's because I intend it to be a concept art I wanted to do a frontal view and maybe back one too. I'll take my time on that one, doing some research and stuff. I just can't scan anything right now, because my university's library is closed for easter vacation. Thanks for the note on the legs I took some time to check where I was wrong and the Gastrocnemius muscle is indeed larger than what I intended in the first place. I corrected the left one so I can remember to change the right one as well. Thanks a lot for that!

Here is an update on that piece, as said sorry for not having updating the "sketchbook" with sketchbook stuff, but as I stated earlier I don't have access to a scanner.


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RE: I want to be the very best - M. Tsirides' Sketchbook - by Tsirides - 04-13-2015, 11:53 PM

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