04-27-2015, 05:16 PM
Thanks for the new replies :-) First I would like to answer to some in particular and then add something in general
@Patrick your tipps were very practical and gives me an idea on what to do. Even though I was very confused by hearing that my props and vehicles are the strongest O_o I didn't put them to top and didn't do many of them yet because I think it's my weakness O_o Like I have not much of an idea of technical stuff, I know how to use my Laptop and Playstation and that's about it :p
And thanks that you wrote some cheering words
@Jeso Yes, your critique sounds harsh because you seem to think you can read my mind. Thanks four your reply and the video though.
Yes, I think I should get a job in arts but I don't think so because I went to an art school or because I was drawing all my life. I think I should get one because people who are no better than me can get a job with their drawings and because I try hard. There was a time when I thought I am pretty damn good and then I received my first real constructive critique, wich was harsh too, but it helped me. And then I started to work on my skills and getting serious. And by the way my art school was a fun place and I liked it, but I didn't learn any fundamentals there. I know it sounds weird but I got to try different techniques and a little bit of life drawing vegetables and had to visit classes in photography and serigraphy. It was all fun but I wasn't ever taught about lightning and colour use and anatomy or whatever. And when I studied graphic design you can already imagine that they didn't teach me art fundamentals too.
Okay, I understood you well enough that my art sucks and I am a total beginner in your opinion. When I say I think I should get work I am not talking about a great and famous game developer with publishing AAA titles. But you think my work is not even enough for a small indie dev?
Honestly speaking I am not sure if I like illustration or concept art more...i like both and have fun with both. Apart from that I enjoy drawing characters or faces the most followed by environments. It's true that I don't put too many thoughts into my environments (in the rest I do, I swear). I mean I try to do it right with the perspective, light and colours, but there is no concept behind it so I'd call them illustrations.
So right now that I got this critiques I am thinking about if I should do the environments more conceptual too and make the whole portfolio conceptual or if some illustration is okay. My last freelance job was illustration but including a character design.
I know that my art is not the best in the world because there is always someone better and I can see that since I am not blind and I have my glasses on. But also I am not the worst (even though it feels like that atm) and yes there is always room to improve for every one.
Everybody says (as far as I can tell) age doesn't matter, only how good you are matters. It might be true but I am freakishly scared to end up with nothing archieved in my life. What if: I work on my light and other fundamentals now and I come back with a similar post in one year, I will still be told I suck and I can keep on trying to be good enough until I am old and grey and then I sit there with nothing. Do I even have a chance?? Don't know what to do if it's not drawing/painting. Besides gaming it is the only thing I enjoy and to tell the truth it's the only thing I am good at (and if am not good it means I am worse at everything else)
@Patrick your tipps were very practical and gives me an idea on what to do. Even though I was very confused by hearing that my props and vehicles are the strongest O_o I didn't put them to top and didn't do many of them yet because I think it's my weakness O_o Like I have not much of an idea of technical stuff, I know how to use my Laptop and Playstation and that's about it :p
And thanks that you wrote some cheering words
@Jeso Yes, your critique sounds harsh because you seem to think you can read my mind. Thanks four your reply and the video though.
Yes, I think I should get a job in arts but I don't think so because I went to an art school or because I was drawing all my life. I think I should get one because people who are no better than me can get a job with their drawings and because I try hard. There was a time when I thought I am pretty damn good and then I received my first real constructive critique, wich was harsh too, but it helped me. And then I started to work on my skills and getting serious. And by the way my art school was a fun place and I liked it, but I didn't learn any fundamentals there. I know it sounds weird but I got to try different techniques and a little bit of life drawing vegetables and had to visit classes in photography and serigraphy. It was all fun but I wasn't ever taught about lightning and colour use and anatomy or whatever. And when I studied graphic design you can already imagine that they didn't teach me art fundamentals too.
Okay, I understood you well enough that my art sucks and I am a total beginner in your opinion. When I say I think I should get work I am not talking about a great and famous game developer with publishing AAA titles. But you think my work is not even enough for a small indie dev?
Honestly speaking I am not sure if I like illustration or concept art more...i like both and have fun with both. Apart from that I enjoy drawing characters or faces the most followed by environments. It's true that I don't put too many thoughts into my environments (in the rest I do, I swear). I mean I try to do it right with the perspective, light and colours, but there is no concept behind it so I'd call them illustrations.
So right now that I got this critiques I am thinking about if I should do the environments more conceptual too and make the whole portfolio conceptual or if some illustration is okay. My last freelance job was illustration but including a character design.
I know that my art is not the best in the world because there is always someone better and I can see that since I am not blind and I have my glasses on. But also I am not the worst (even though it feels like that atm) and yes there is always room to improve for every one.
Everybody says (as far as I can tell) age doesn't matter, only how good you are matters. It might be true but I am freakishly scared to end up with nothing archieved in my life. What if: I work on my light and other fundamentals now and I come back with a similar post in one year, I will still be told I suck and I can keep on trying to be good enough until I am old and grey and then I sit there with nothing. Do I even have a chance?? Don't know what to do if it's not drawing/painting. Besides gaming it is the only thing I enjoy and to tell the truth it's the only thing I am good at (and if am not good it means I am worse at everything else)