Lale's Traditional and Digital sketches!
Hey guys! ^^
I've been away for over a week but not slacking! I was just very busy (and still am) with my ongoing project!
I have no idea if I'll be able to take it to the end or if it'll even look decent at all... but I'm doing it seriously and posting every single day (except on weekends) my progress on my Tumblr page. :)

I've also been sick for the past 3 days but except letting myself sleep longer, I haven't stopped drawing. :)

Some early style exploration..

First batch of thumbnails to choose my scenes to paint from...

Later, cleaner thumbnails, trying to get the idea right.. Not sure about the dragon one yet :/

Also, accompanying all this (you can see all this on my Tumblr in context) I made a simpler version of my project's schedule/plan ^^

You are your only limits!


Messages In This Thread
RE: Lale's Traditional and Digital sketches! - by Nemome - 10-24-2012, 01:26 AM
RE: Lale's Traditional and Digital sketches! - by Brainfruit - 12-04-2012, 09:25 PM
RE: Lale's Traditional and Digital sketches! - by Brainfruit - 12-05-2012, 10:54 AM
RE: Lale's Traditional and Digital sketches! - by Brainfruit - 12-05-2012, 09:46 PM
RE: Lale's Traditional and Digital sketches! - by Brainfruit - 01-23-2013, 01:54 AM
RE: Lale's Traditional and Digital sketches! - by LaleAnn - 06-12-2015, 05:51 PM

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