07-01-2015, 12:44 AM
Oh my god, you guys are the friggin' bomb! Thank you for popping in! <3
Prabu - Hey thanks Prabu! Yeah I used to do that all the time actually. Only since doing these head construction studies have I been sketching using the construction method (to get used to working with the concept of it/placement/proportions, etc)
Jaik - Jaaaaaaaaaaaik! Thanks brooooo! Yeah, it's so fckin' hard... and so I really want to wreck it, even if that does mean going back to the basics! Hey yeah you're not wrong, when I get the time, I'll be giving studying spheres in 3D a shot!
VoodooMama - Aaaah thank you Voodoo <3 ! Yeah the second I get a bit of work done tomorrow, I'm gonna hop right on the self-portrait study train! thanks for the feedback meng!
Lyraina - Right?! Right!!?! Sooooo hard ;-; oooooh! I didn't really pay attention to the shoulder pads and what it did to his neck o_o shiiiz, thanks Lyra! Learned from that that's for sure haha. And yeah I sure did, instead of just going for it and painting - I made sure I at least had some lines that made sense to me and my god. clipping. masks. They're amazing. I tried to use them before, but I've realised they have a lot more potential than meets the eye.
Not only for separating layers, but they can help decide lighting before you get into it, you can experiment with different colour schemes because of the transparency lock... a bunch of things. I really think it's the way to go for painting fast and smart.
eroquii - cheers eroquii! :D I'll keep that in mind <3 thanks for the feedback and dropping by!
Cricketts - Thank you kindly, Cricketts! haha wow that's a big thing to say! thanks for droppin' by! o/
Fedodika - XD aaaaaaaaaaaaah Fedooooooooo <3 will do!
Alrighty, firstly, yes, lousy update is lousy.
I apologise.
For I have been procrastinating with some work _big_ time. But that should be over after tomorrow. ;D THEN IT'S ON BABY.
On like Bowser Junior...
No but seriously.
So something exciting happened while I was talking to crackedskull in the forums. Our convo led to the creation of The Crimson Dagger Grand Manor! If y'all haven't checked it out yet, its an awesome world-building challenge and anyone can join in!
So here's a couple of quick, dirty sketches I've done so far for the CDGM:
First character, I've even got a basic back story for him which I'll post up in the Manor thread soon. It was really an improv-type creation. All from the top of me noggin.
I really do plan to animate this eventually:
and here's another sketch - tryna get fast - I know the head is big and there's a lot off about it, but I was more focused on experimenting and painting quick:
Schoolism course starts tomorrow, I'm geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed up
I promise the next update won't be boring as bat shit like this one was. Jayzus.
Prabu - Hey thanks Prabu! Yeah I used to do that all the time actually. Only since doing these head construction studies have I been sketching using the construction method (to get used to working with the concept of it/placement/proportions, etc)
Jaik - Jaaaaaaaaaaaik! Thanks brooooo! Yeah, it's so fckin' hard... and so I really want to wreck it, even if that does mean going back to the basics! Hey yeah you're not wrong, when I get the time, I'll be giving studying spheres in 3D a shot!
VoodooMama - Aaaah thank you Voodoo <3 ! Yeah the second I get a bit of work done tomorrow, I'm gonna hop right on the self-portrait study train! thanks for the feedback meng!
Lyraina - Right?! Right!!?! Sooooo hard ;-; oooooh! I didn't really pay attention to the shoulder pads and what it did to his neck o_o shiiiz, thanks Lyra! Learned from that that's for sure haha. And yeah I sure did, instead of just going for it and painting - I made sure I at least had some lines that made sense to me and my god. clipping. masks. They're amazing. I tried to use them before, but I've realised they have a lot more potential than meets the eye.
Not only for separating layers, but they can help decide lighting before you get into it, you can experiment with different colour schemes because of the transparency lock... a bunch of things. I really think it's the way to go for painting fast and smart.
eroquii - cheers eroquii! :D I'll keep that in mind <3 thanks for the feedback and dropping by!
Cricketts - Thank you kindly, Cricketts! haha wow that's a big thing to say! thanks for droppin' by! o/
Fedodika - XD aaaaaaaaaaaaah Fedooooooooo <3 will do!
Alrighty, firstly, yes, lousy update is lousy.
I apologise.
For I have been procrastinating with some work _big_ time. But that should be over after tomorrow. ;D THEN IT'S ON BABY.
On like Bowser Junior...
No but seriously.
So something exciting happened while I was talking to crackedskull in the forums. Our convo led to the creation of The Crimson Dagger Grand Manor! If y'all haven't checked it out yet, its an awesome world-building challenge and anyone can join in!
So here's a couple of quick, dirty sketches I've done so far for the CDGM:
First character, I've even got a basic back story for him which I'll post up in the Manor thread soon. It was really an improv-type creation. All from the top of me noggin.
I really do plan to animate this eventually:
and here's another sketch - tryna get fast - I know the head is big and there's a lot off about it, but I was more focused on experimenting and painting quick:
Schoolism course starts tomorrow, I'm geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed up
I promise the next update won't be boring as bat shit like this one was. Jayzus.
sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all