Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward!
Meant to update earlier, but life got in the way. I'll write something about it, but first of, replies!

@Jaik: Thank you so much! I'm glad you see improvement because I often feel like there's next to nothing, but that's really probably just impatient old me. Thank you as well for the advice with the cubes and perspective. I really, really should do this. Perspective is totally my weak point and I've been avoiding it for far too long already. Definitely  have to go out more of my comfort zone here.

@Nowio: Thank you! <3

@Lyraina: Thank you so much! I'm glad you like my character art! I hope I can develop this further, I'd really like to explore character design further. It's a subject I'm (obviously) very passionate about. And wow, these suggestions really sound they could help me a lot! I have to try this out, definitely!

@pnate: Thanks for your kind words and for visiting my sketchbook! I hope I can come back to a steady study rhythm soon.

So yeah. Life. What happened? Like two days after my last post my laptop broke. I had to dig into my savings and get a new PC (luckily I've been wanting to get a new machine for a long time already), with the convention may was over fast. Being busy with work and commissions june was over fast as well. I still have my wisdom teeth and they keep nagging me, but on july 13th I'll have them removed and hopefully won't have as many problems anymore. Unfortunately, because I was so busy, I don't have as much studies and it sucks. A lot of the time I'm also very torn whether I want to do studies (which I feel I should do) or my personal art (which I want to do most of the time...). My personal projects are never moving forward because I have long breaks in between and then I feel that the pages whatever I drew before are too old. I hope that soon I'll have more free time to do a little bit of both. Of c

So here's some stuff. Working digitally is more fun now with a big 24" screen and a new fast computer. Maybe that will help getting more into it.

Studies and some application:

[Image: 20150704_0007_by_cyprinusfox-d8zx4uw.jpg]

Boxes in space, freehand
[Image: 20150704_0003_by_cyprinusfox-d8zx4vv.jpg]

Workplace of a friend, from life:
[Image: 20150704_0006_by_cyprinusfox-d8zx4vf.jpg]

Faces from photos:
[Image: 20150704_0008_by_cyprinusfox-d8zx4uj.jpg]

Portrait done at lifedrawing, about 20min:
[Image: chnjvwmw4aaz_a0_by_cyprinusfox-d8zx51a.jpg]

Selfportrait, couldn't continue because the light changed:
[Image: 20150518_study_selfportrait001_by_cyprin...8zx4wt.jpg]

And something from imagination:
[Image: 20150704_illu_lio_armor_tumblrversion_by...8zx53x.jpg]

I really really hope I can update more and be more active. (Often I'd like to comment more I never feel that I have something qualified to say, because there are so many things I don't understand myself.) I love this place and it has helped and encouraged me a lot already, and I met many awesome people here ;3;



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RE: Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward! - by Cyprinus - 07-05-2015, 05:50 AM

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