Switching from drawing what you see to constructive drawing.
Hey dodeqaa, thanks for taking the time to put together such a comprehensive reply.

I hope you don't mind me replying with more confusion!

I get a lot of what you're saying, but it feels like I'm drawing a bit like that already, so as you suggest, I would know from perspective that the nearest eye is bigger (although somehow in a lot of my sketches I still get it wrong!)

What I don't get is, say I'm drawing a car, at the moment, I just look and draw, compare lines and angles as I go, so I know furthest wheel is smaller, I know a straight line will line up on the other side even though I can't see some of it, and I use stuff like that, but essentially it's just lines to me, not forms.

What I don't do is try and draw the cars main basic shapes in perspective, so I wouldn't rough out an elongated cube, and then add more cubes and cylinders in perspective, so I guess I'm not learning much the way I'm doing it?

Same with people, I copy a photo, it's just that. Feels like I get nothing out of it except the practice of copying it, and the odd realisation like 'those tones are much closer than I thought'.

I see people constructing heads like loomis/proko approach, and can't see how to apply that to my studies from life/ref.

Phew! sorry for another massive post. Hope that makes sense.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Switching from drawing what you see to constructive drawing. - by lurch - 08-28-2015, 02:42 AM

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