09-05-2015, 08:16 AM
Lordminkx: Thanks so much! Yeah, it's choppy. The brush I'm using doesn't seem to blend well, haha.
CaDisciple: Hey, thanks man. Yeah, I'm stoked about this CHOW. So much that I'm having trouble focusing on my goal, haha.
Broadway: Yeah, I appreciate your noticing, lol. I'm aware of it... I was reeeaallly lazy with that portrait. But, I'll for sure not forget next time for my eyes. Thanks!
Triggerpigking: So true! I even saw that it was lighter, but I took liberty with it because I thought it'd improve it-- Now I see what you mean. Like a big ol' sore thumb. Lol. Thanks.
Cyprinus: Thanks so much for your encouragement and support! It means the world to me man, haha. I've had so much time to do these arms that I've been kinda lazy this past week, unfortunately! But, I won't give up on them, even if I have new aspirations. : Thanks again!
Sketchosoph: Yeah, he's good with dynamic forms. He's stylized, but I think you can get a lot out of his work. Too bad you sold 'em, but there are tons of other good sources as well!
lurch: Thanks muchly! I will!
jsel: Thanks-- That's a fantastic idea. Will help me a lot when I'm going in. I'm excited!
ShinOkami: You're welcome, haha, it's fun to see what you're up to! Scary, but I always face my fears! Raaahhh!!
Murderotic: YEEAAAH, MUURRDOOC. Where you been, maan? I'm sooo excited to see your sketchbook!! Been too long!
34 hours, 45 minutes/10, 000 hours
Soo... It's not been the best week for drawing for me, but I've been picking away at things. Mostly I've been dedicatedly watching lectures on simple geometry to see what I've missed.
After finding out that I'm not going to be finding out much from the sphere/cube/rectangular prism/triangular prism section at khanacademy, other than mathematically discovering the volume, circumference, area, and etc., I decided the best thing to do would be to draw. I had already gone through 88 % of the content, or something. But, I still learned a lot. I now know with some decency, what a rhombus is.
I was just playing around with stuff tonight. Basically did a couple of spheres-- Kinda surprised at how well I did, really. And faked a perspective grid, lol.
What I'm much more excited about is my figures-- They are all from imagination. I was working through it, and realizing things, and seeing shapes in my head.. Things are finally starting to really come together. It's all clicking together, like connecting the dots, or putting a puzzle piece into place.
It's not much-- It's not really amazing or anything. Crude at best. But, still... I'm moving forward, and I'm making shapes, and I'm doing stuff from my head. And that is so cool.
So, here's my stuff.
CaDisciple: Hey, thanks man. Yeah, I'm stoked about this CHOW. So much that I'm having trouble focusing on my goal, haha.
Broadway: Yeah, I appreciate your noticing, lol. I'm aware of it... I was reeeaallly lazy with that portrait. But, I'll for sure not forget next time for my eyes. Thanks!
Triggerpigking: So true! I even saw that it was lighter, but I took liberty with it because I thought it'd improve it-- Now I see what you mean. Like a big ol' sore thumb. Lol. Thanks.
Cyprinus: Thanks so much for your encouragement and support! It means the world to me man, haha. I've had so much time to do these arms that I've been kinda lazy this past week, unfortunately! But, I won't give up on them, even if I have new aspirations. : Thanks again!
Sketchosoph: Yeah, he's good with dynamic forms. He's stylized, but I think you can get a lot out of his work. Too bad you sold 'em, but there are tons of other good sources as well!
lurch: Thanks muchly! I will!
jsel: Thanks-- That's a fantastic idea. Will help me a lot when I'm going in. I'm excited!
ShinOkami: You're welcome, haha, it's fun to see what you're up to! Scary, but I always face my fears! Raaahhh!!
Murderotic: YEEAAAH, MUURRDOOC. Where you been, maan? I'm sooo excited to see your sketchbook!! Been too long!
34 hours, 45 minutes/10, 000 hours
Soo... It's not been the best week for drawing for me, but I've been picking away at things. Mostly I've been dedicatedly watching lectures on simple geometry to see what I've missed.
After finding out that I'm not going to be finding out much from the sphere/cube/rectangular prism/triangular prism section at khanacademy, other than mathematically discovering the volume, circumference, area, and etc., I decided the best thing to do would be to draw. I had already gone through 88 % of the content, or something. But, I still learned a lot. I now know with some decency, what a rhombus is.
I was just playing around with stuff tonight. Basically did a couple of spheres-- Kinda surprised at how well I did, really. And faked a perspective grid, lol.
What I'm much more excited about is my figures-- They are all from imagination. I was working through it, and realizing things, and seeing shapes in my head.. Things are finally starting to really come together. It's all clicking together, like connecting the dots, or putting a puzzle piece into place.
It's not much-- It's not really amazing or anything. Crude at best. But, still... I'm moving forward, and I'm making shapes, and I'm doing stuff from my head. And that is so cool.
So, here's my stuff.