Introduce Myself
Hi Guys,

I am new here on Crimson Daggers. I have never heard before about this cool site! It took me a little while to find the right buttons.
LâleAnn encouraged me to join in here.

As you can see I am not english native, so please excuse the grammar. Blushing

I am an beginner when it comes to painting, Illustrating and doing art in general.
I hope to grow with the support and critiques of you guys.

Confident, glad Confident, glad

Then lets have a good time!

Greetz ~Dorothee~

Messages In This Thread
Introduce Myself - by DorotheeWittstock - 09-11-2015, 07:03 AM
RE: Introduce Myself - by LaleAnn - 09-11-2015, 09:23 PM

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