Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward!
@bookend: Thanks for all your input again! Values are a point I'm still struggling with a lot. I feel it has gotten a bit better recently, but yeah, much to go! I'm planning on doing a master study soon. I just need to block out enough time for it to work on it.

@Eduardo: Thank you so much! I'm glad you like this little piece, it felt like such a struggle in between.... I totally agree on "less is more". Although there are still artists with a detailed style which I admire a lot, I'm definitely more drawn to the "simpler" things recently. I think it has it's own appeal and beauty. Even when I do sketches and stuff. Why use a lot of lines if you can express what you want in a single one? I'm definitely going to play around more with gouache as well. Gonna share my results here or on my tumblr :> Thanks for stopping by!

So yeah. Recently I've been feeling antsy and restless lately, because I can't seem to find the right balance between work, personal work and studies. I want to finish all my projects and also start new ones, but I feel bad if I don't do studies, but sometimes I just don't have enough time to do both. It leaves me in an endless frustration and I'm advancing not one bit. I need to try combining both more.

I started following Proko's Anatomy course. My more than insufficient knowledge of perspective is getting in the way more and more. Suddenly all my stuff looks wrong.

[Image: 0009_anatomy_092015_by_cyprinusfox-d9a4f5m.jpg]

[Image: 0010_anatomy_092015_by_cyprinusfox-d9a4f5i.jpg]

Colour Studies, 30min (nature) and one longer. First time I tried to paint such a forest scene. Also trying out
more different brushes...

[Image: 003_30mins_092015_by_cyprinusfox-d9a4f6p.jpg]

[Image: 20150912_study_portrait_001_by_cyprinusfox-d9a4f69.jpg]

Stuff on my desk. The angles came out better than usual here, I think...

[Image: 0006_backgrounds_092015_by_cyprinusfox-d9a4guv.jpg]

And yeah, in a moment where I was totally out of my mind I decided to tackle the 30-Day RPG-Challenge. I didn't want to, at least not this month, but then suddenly I had an idea and I felt so inspired that I HAD to go for it. So my idea is about an adventure under water, which is....challenging in more than one way, because more than often I finish my sketch and realize stuff that doesn't make sense. So I'm basically searching for creative solutions all the time, like in the bar, where I happily drew bottle after bottle until I thought "Wait, do they even drink?" Or the granny with her basket and stuff that doesn't float around....because she puts it on little pins that are in the basket. I think it just shows that I'm dumb and sometimes don't put enough thought into what I'm doing before I start to draw. On the other hand, I was so happy that I felt as inspired as I hadn't in ages that I didn't want to lose this feeling, no matter what, so I started right away. GAH. So...I consider this as brainstorming sketches. Like....put every idea down at first, regardless whether it sounds stupid, illogical or whatever.

Also I can't draw environments and backgrounds, but that's not new.

[Image: rpg_challenge_week01_2015_by_cyprinusfox-d9a4ewu.jpg]
[Image: rpg_challenge_week02_2015_by_cyprinusfox-d9a4ewl.jpg]

Sadly I feel that my stuff for the challenge is getting worse instead of better at the moment. The inspiration magic from the beginning feels kind of gone, I think because I more and more realize how stupid some things are.
I still think that I'll take some sketches and make something more out of them, mostly the character designs.

I'll probably try to redraw the stuff that involves environment after I participated in Amit's class.



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RE: Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward! - by Cyprinus - 09-20-2015, 01:13 AM

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