Desirulz's Sketchbook Crituqe/Advice Wanted
@ari I'm glad you think i improved, I have been paying attention to studying light and form so i think that helped alot. I'm studying hands right now cause it's the most frustrating to learn for me anyway. I was so into making pictures that i forgot about proportions, they are in my head but i kinda started exaggerating them not really thinking about it. So thanks for pointing them out :)

Sketches I'm trying to push myself with action scenes and perspective

[Image: Warm%20up%2043_zpsnb5dhnys.jpg]

[Image: warm%20up%2041_zpsoz3dabev.jpg]

[Image: warm%20up%2042_zpsy597vh3s.jpg]


[Image: FA_zpsogykazyo.jpg]

[Image: FA_zpslrqhx37k.jpg]

personal and WIP stuff[Image: Practice_zpsuavmrodj.jpg]

Fixed this painting up

[Image: render%20test2_zps3dj2suoz.jpg]

[Image: Zaden%202_zpsfrlcbpnn.jpg]

That is all for now :)


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RE: Desirulz's Sketchbook Crituqe/Advice Wanted - by desirulz123 - 09-28-2015, 03:59 AM

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