Poyo's I wanna be good! Everyday Sketchbook
@Miles-E Thanks for your comment! I want to do longer studies but I am not good enough yet. I get confused if there is too much color because I can't even accurately judge value yet. I hope when my library of knowledge reaches critical mass, I'll be able to gain from studies and use them when working on projects from my imagination.

BTW, can someone tell me how long I should be drawing at this stage? I am using "Figure drawing for all it's worth" and Vilppu videos to learn to render the human body. I close my eyes and try to imagine what it would like in different positions and angles. I draw on lots of sheets I don't even bother to upload here because they suck pretty bad haha. I draw them from memory until I get close to the example image. But looking at my progress it seems like I don't learn much per day? I only learned about two or three pages of loomis today. And Vilppu is so good, his lessons are really hard sometimes.

90 second posemaniacs. I think there are way less mistakes this time, even though some of the figures are so flat, I couldn't take loomis' advice and "draw the unseen ear".

Need more practice!

I did this page from imagination, that's why the one in the lower left corner is so deformed :P
I'm trying to visualize what the body looks like when I drape some mass over the loomis mannequin. Unfortunately I'm only on the first 50 pages, so I don't even know what muscles look like. That's cool I guess, it will come later.

I did the stick figures from memory/imagination. Did the upper body sketches in class today. The only open seat was all the way in the back. Was only able to draw professor from the front, and everyone else's trapezius muscles :s
To test myself I observed the model and waited a bit until they changed positions and drew how they were from memory.

The revised edition of the color study.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Poyo's I wanna be good! Everyday Sketchbook - by Pedro Cardoso - 06-27-2012, 01:56 AM
RE: Poyo's I wanna be good! Everyday Sketchbook - by poyo - 06-28-2012, 06:53 PM
RE: Poyo's I wanna be good! Everyday Sketchbook - by Pedro Cardoso - 07-01-2012, 08:09 AM
RE: Poyo's I wanna be good! Everyday Sketchbook - by Pedro Cardoso - 07-03-2012, 02:14 AM
RE: Poyo's I wanna be good! Everyday Sketchbook - by Pedro Cardoso - 07-03-2012, 03:17 AM

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