Pixipel's Artwork
Hiya guys! I'll be posting old and new finished artwork here, along with links to the originals.

I have to say though, after looking at a lot of these portfolios and pieces of art, it's both inspiring and intimidating for me. There are so many amazing artists here and I hope that eventually I'll be a fraction as good as they are. Part of me is worried that I'll never be that good.

Any feedback, critiques, advice and so on for my artwork would be appreciated. Though keep in mind some of the things I'll be posting are a few years old. >.>

For the artwork seen here and other art of mine that I haven't/won't post, you can check out some of my websites here (more to come later):

Quote:My Deviant Art Page
My Main Tumblr - Tagged My Art

Here are some previous artworks of mine to start off with:

These two pieces were from around 2011 or so when I first started messing around with digital art. The first one is with Gimp, the second is with a free trial of Photoshop:

Quote:First Digital Artwork (2011)

Unfortunately I stopped doing artwork for around a year or so while I focused on college, trying to get a degree in education which I ended up not pursuing. So of course what skill I had worsened from lack of use. But then I got motivated and encouraged to try and start back up again and improve. So starting at the end of 2012, here was a piece I did:

Quote:Getting Back Into Art (2012)

So from there I tried to draw often (though probably not often enough). But I did see an improvement.

Quote:Artwork Improvement (2013)

Quote:Artwork (2014)

Quote:Artwork (2015)

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Pixipel's Artwork - by Pixipel - 10-09-2015, 04:05 AM

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