11-28-2015, 01:28 PM
It's feeling like the main issue left with my painting is how much time I want to put into it. I could go over this again and again and again or I could paint the next panel. I'd rather have more story than have each panel look like the best piece of concept art ever, at the expense of story.
I'm having second thoughts about using the word "God" on this page. The meaning is a little off, and I've already used "Devil," "Demoness," and "Dragoness," to refer to Taonui. Poetically though, "God" fits better, so that's what I'm going with. XTIN is kind of like a spoken word heavy metal poem. Maybe I should form a band at some point and tour. That would be kind of awesome, wouldn't it?
I'd also like to defend the guru's speaking style by comparing him to Stefan Molyneux, who creates the most grandiose freestyle word salads. If anything I'd say Stefan blows the guru away. So, this isn't unrealistic, it's out there in real-people land.
It's all shadows.