Sketchbook of Markus Creation
Hey man! Looks like you're working hard and studying a lot of useful things. I didn't watch them all the way through but those videos where you analyse and explain your studies are really useful for yourself, since explaining something to others helps us to know it really well (if I do something new in drawing, sometimes I talk in my head like I am explaining it to a 10 year old in order to help me to learn it fully).

Great that you are learning the skull, you can take it up a level too and try to learn all the little important bits and pieces and how they affect the face (e.g. small inner eye plane between the nasal bone and eye socket, and the angular curves of the brow). Those little pieces will help really sell your heads - Glen Vilppu has a great video series about it that really helped me no end.

Also, a lot of your drawings look skewed to the right - look at how you hold your own head when you draw. Does it lean slightly to the right while you draw? That can make the drawing skewed.

Keep going, lot of good things happening for you ^^

Comic book creator
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Sketchbook of Markus Creation - by JyonnyNovice - 12-18-2015, 12:08 AM
RE: Sketchbook of Markus Creation - by Adam Lina - 08-08-2016, 01:56 AM
RE: Sketchbook of Markus Creation - by AlfonsoX - 08-25-2016, 04:54 AM
RE: Sketchbook of Markus Creation - by JeyRam - 12-15-2016, 04:17 PM
RE: Sketchbook of Markus Creation - by kvSketch - 02-11-2017, 09:48 AM

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