shroom dude
Hi Flo,

I did a super quick paintover of this. Your main issue, as I showed in the PO, is that the design isn't cohesive. On the top 3rd I see a guy with a mushroom on his head, the middle 3rd is basically just a normal topless guy, and the lower half is wearing these manufactured clothes with an axe that feel very modern due to the square shapes. Its not impossible for a guy wearing all these things to exist, but this doesn't sell the concept to your viewer, it just confuses them. So you just gotta simplify down to what this guy is: A zombie, and a mushroom dude. These themes work great together, you can have a ton of gross organic merging where his decomposition mixes with things growing out of him. Also got a whole life/death thing, and could have the mushrooms really feeding off his remaining lifeforce. All decent ideas to work with. You should also think up a backstory, was this just a dead guy who got resurrected by the mushroom, which is using him as a host, or is it just some poor zombie whose made some mushroom friends he just can't get rid of. I went over really quick and just made some quick marks to show how you could unify the image. We need to see more mushrooms coming out of him, you can use the way that they cluster together to lead the eye around and make paths. There are also a ton of different shapes that mushrooms come in, which can be really helpful for building a strong design. I also thought it'd be cool to have his abdomen open with all his entrails hanging out, while the mushrooms and fungus work their way in. One thing you need to figure out is his lower half. I went over it all in my paintover and just made it leaves and twigs etc, but you could probably make them feel less like trousers. That ones up to you I guess, think about what you would wear if you were a mushroom zombie strolling around the woods all day.

I hope this helped, and be sure to take everything I say with a grain of salt. Just trying to get the ball rolling on some cool ideas for this character!



[Image: flo-shroomdude.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
shroom dude - by Flo - 06-28-2012, 01:06 AM
RE: shroom dude - by benjaminbach - 07-05-2012, 06:26 AM
RE: shroom dude - by Flo - 07-05-2012, 04:43 PM
RE: shroom dude - by benjaminbach - 07-05-2012, 09:14 PM
RE: shroom dude - by Flo - 07-06-2012, 01:39 AM
RE: shroom dude - by SamC - 07-06-2012, 02:50 AM
RE: shroom dude - by Flo - 07-06-2012, 07:46 PM
RE: shroom dude - by Flo - 07-10-2012, 09:36 PM

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