Imperial Steam and Light - James Ng Art
Part 4

Clockwork Liondancer
[Image: Lion-Dancer.jpg]
The Clockwork Liondancer is aided by steam-powered machinery, controlling the movement of the hind-legs, eyes and mouth of the ceremonial lion, he performs the traditional Chinese dance with a steampunk flare.

Teahouse Concepts
[Image: Teahouse.jpg]
A young couple await for their seats in a local teahouse accompanied by clockwork pet birds and servants. The Dimsum Bot strolls the floor serving customers. Her headdress acts as a menu while the steam used to power her wheels is recycled to keep the dimsum hot inside her steamer-skirt.

Pet Walker
[Image: Pet-Walker.jpg]
The Pet Walker is armed with a treat dispenser and a clockwork scooper to keep the dogs happy. Unfortunately, the technology is not advanced enough to intercept the falling debris from the pet birds, which often land on the walker's head.

Gambling Den Concepts
[Image: Gamble.jpg]
The den boss counts her earnings while the bouncer watches over the underground establishment. The Dice Bot hosts a game of "Fish-Prawn-Crab", a Chinese gambling game. He shakes the 3 dices with the clockwork contraption in his torso, while sorting coins with his mechanical limbs.

Thanks everyone for looking! Feel free to connect with me on social media :)


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RE: Imperial Steam and Light - James Ng Art - by JamesNgArt - 01-16-2016, 10:00 AM

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