Donations for the server with a tournament?
I was thinking about hosting some tournaments with PRIZE MONEY that I would get from donations towards the server. What do you guys think about that? SELLOUT mode? I got the idea in the back of my mind at the moment. 

I feel like no one really wants to join free tournaments anymore with no real prizes, as we've seen in the community challenges section. But maybe with some money and a hall of fame for winners, more people would be interested? 

Basically how it would work is, once the donation counter reaches a certain number, a one month tournament would get hosted and half of the money from donations would go to the winner of the tournament and the other half to the server, and the winner would get their work put in a Hall of Fame section, and posted on facebook for exposure.

Does this sound too scummy? Let me know what you guys think.

I have to finish up this client work first, and if everyone is okay with the idea we can get it started, if not that's fine too.

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Donations for the server with a tournament? - by DK - 02-05-2016, 08:27 PM

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