JyonnyNovice - from Novice to Master!
Elyiana Thanks! For the people I mainly followed advice from this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKrpi6gh...L&index=30 it's quite long but you can easily find the bits where he focuses on single figures. But yea, I let the first wash dry completely then laid a second wash of the exact same mix (didn't make it any darker). I might've done a 3rd layer too (this is for the guys leaning on the fence). For the people bottom right, I let the base dry then glazed with a generic shadow type mix (ultramarine and burnt sienna), then for the people in top right I did the whole figures first in skin tone (alizirin crimson, lemon yellow, burnt sienna) then when it was dry just used dirty patches of dark paint on my palette to do the clothes. Thanks for the critique of the head / chest / breast area on my gestures - I'll be keeping a closer eye on my boobs now : )

Stardust & Hobit Thanks guys! Much appreciated!

AlCo Thanks man, your comment really made my day! It's really easy to doubt oneself and I do stuff that I feel looks good at the time, then I'm not so sure about it, so it's really great when people on here say some specific things that they think look good : ) About consistency; start small, and build up! even twenty minutes on something unsuccessful is still +20 mins on your milometer.

Thanks everyone too for saying nice things about my watercolours - I felt they were so amateur looking and crappy but am really happy / surprised that people are digging them. I guess when you watch a lot of pro's demonstrating painting on youtube, you get used to seeing that level of quality and then when your own work falls short it feels like utter failure. I'll keep pushing with the painting, really motivated to do better now : )

Just some more gestures today. I tried doing them on marker paper, since the printer paper I usually use soaks up so much ink from the markers. It felt pretty nice, but hard doing them on small paper (I might get some A3 marker paper but I imagine it's expensive).

[Image: 1fsTlJR.jpg]

[Image: x2R69Hq.jpg]

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RE: JyonnyNovice - from Novice to Master! - by JyonnyNovice - 02-12-2016, 04:58 AM

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