My "Dream Job" destroyed my life.
Ah good, so you already decided to move on? Ok, well more power to you and good luck!
I think there is a lesson to be learned there, to definitely speak out when you have concerns. Letting things fester definitely makes things worse.
Try not to be nervous about talking to him. Remember after all, you are a free being able to do whatever the heck you want! :)

I'm going to play devil's advocate here for a bit just in case. Be absolutely sure that you have thought out the consequences of quitting a steady art job before securing another one, and that it isn't solely an emotional decision. I rage/frustration quit my day job a year ago to go freelance because I just couldn't "take it" any more. While I don't regret that decision because regrets are pointless, I can say that the naivete and delusion in which I quit because of the emotions was full blown, and I am very much paying for that decision a year later. Financially I'm in dire straits, because of course freelance work is hard as hell to get, and it doesn't pay well or consistently when you aren't hitting AAA level or equivalents in other areas. In hindsight it would have made so much more sense to stick it out at my job a few months more, to get rid of certain expenses, before running out the door!

I'm in no way trying to change your mind, I know how it feels to want to leave a job so bad it hurts, but I just want to be sure you have looked honestly at your situation with dispassion as well. Emotions don't tend to help us make good decisions.

And having said that, good luck on the new adventure wherever it takes you!!

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My "Dream Job" destroyed my life. - by FactofMyth - 02-24-2016, 12:11 PM
RE: My "Dream Job" destroyed my life. - by Amit Dutta - 02-25-2016, 11:46 AM

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