Beyond 1-point perspective: How do I use this?
You said No and then explained my point in divergent terms, but now it's getting confusing when you refer to depth-of-field as a method or tool that either works or does not work. DOF just -is-, it's what takes a flat 2D image and turns it into a window. Whether or not you prefer painterly out of focus over 'blobs as a camera would produce', is your preference, unless you're arguing that because our eye travels and our focus on what we see changes, where the focus of an image does not - it depends on what you're trying to achieve. I still learn and understand and perceive a more realistic image of an object in a 3-dimensional space as having an appropriate sense of depth, which many beginners neglect in tasks like perspective drawing which is relevant here.


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RE: Beyond 1-point perspective: How do I use this? - by RottenPocket - 03-13-2016, 02:41 PM

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