Beyond 1-point perspective: How do I use this?
Well, i was a photography student but cinsidering that the camera is modelled after how the eye functions i stand by its usage in creating a more realistic sense of -depth-. Artistically or aesthetically, that's another argument.

Not that i don't appreciate the in depth responses i know I'm being short it's hard to directly reference material.when all i have is my smartphone i. Did agree with your Rene but felt it missed my point while labeling it Wrong.

Put it this way, right now I'm standing at my bus stop beside a park. I look around i can see overlap, atmosphere, size and position all indicators of depth and where i am situated before it all. But, everything has the illusion of being in focus because my eye leaps around and hanges focus to study it. If i focus on one branch i am conscious of the lack of in areas in front and behind it. Depth of field and depth of focus are indeed technical terms in photography but are based off a very organic function. I hope you can understand that and welcome it is my perspective instead of shooting it down again. It's a method i know is anything but wrong.


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RE: Beyond 1-point perspective: How do I use this? - by RottenPocket - 03-14-2016, 01:40 PM

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