Elderscroller´s 80s Rock CC 1: GoT Game?
Thanks guys! If I´m not really off estimating the time I need to finish, I guess, I can at least get it to a presentable state.

Been working on character design and rendering today. Here´s a WIP from an earlier state today with a corrected anatomy (boy that is really hard when someone is not of the usual proportions, still not sure if I got it right,but too late for that now :) ) Decided to use the expression I last studied as I think it fits the character nicely. Hair is not done yet

Rendering character, adding details, correcting lighting is the final steps....Just a few hours left


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RE: Elderscroller´s 80s Rock CC 1: GoT Game? - by Elderscroller - 03-27-2016, 07:06 AM

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