Bjork's Journey with her Sketchbook :)
Sagittarius-A-Star: It's super tough, but at least then you know you're doing something right! And thank you, I will keep pushing! <3


Hey guys. So... I knew I was bad at painting/drawing mountains and cliffs. But holy poop on a stick I was not aware that it was /this/ bad. 
Yesterday's memory drawing was probably my worst one so far (I honestly don't know if I dare upload it), adding buildings on mountains only makes them like 10x harder to paint haha. These next days are going to painful my friends, but ooooh I neeed to get good at doing mountains and mountains with buildings and landscapes and you know.... everything .
It can easily be discouraging to see your weaknesses so clearly before your eyes, but if you look at it from another angle, then at least you know what you got to work on.

Anyway, this week is going to be a nice and busy one. My teacher  at school this week is Peter Chan and we're going to work on concept development, needless to say, I am really pumped







Other memory/colour stuff and random doodles


Messages In This Thread
RE: Bjork's Journey with her Sketchbook :) - by zakknroll - 07-08-2013, 03:00 AM
RE: Bjork's Journey with her Sketchbook :) - by foletto - 08-04-2013, 02:08 AM
RE: Bjork's Journey with her Sketchbook :) - by BjorkJT - 04-11-2016, 10:36 PM

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