Hello! I'm a freelancer + here's my story + I'm gonna stop lurking
Hello everyone! :)

I've been lurking crimson daggers for quite some time now. I usually chat a bit on livestream on and off but most of the time I work during streams so you might not have seen my name pop up too much.

Anyway I'm Jordy, I'm from Belgium - I recently graduated and have a degree in digital arts (my school sucked but at least I learned some 3D - in particular Zbrush is relevant and handy) there and got a taste of the game industry)

I was offered a full time job at a relatively big game studio, working in house as a 3D artist and concept artist (bit all-round) I worked on cliché fantasy games. In theory this was my dream but I discovered that it just... sucked. So after my 4 month internship I kindly declined their offer (shocking all my school and their company, because they are the *only* and biggest game studio in my country) and decided to go freelancer full time - because fuck it.

I've always been very ambitious and I like to control my own fate rather than produce 2 3D props a day, factory style, for a company of which I have no idea what it is doing.

I've been going for about 4 months now, full time. Started very casual, with literally 0 clients but I've been very quickly improving my skill and client list and overal been very surprised at how well this is working out. I can proudly say I'm starting to get swamped in pretty nicely payed stuff, and that I have decline work because I'm full for the next month (felt really cool the first time)
That said I live relatively humbly (perfect at the beginning of my carreer) so it doesn't take much to make more than I spend.

Other than working on NDA stuff I do daily sketches and studies - lately been doing 2 or more per day. (You can find these on my facebook art page) I live stream some times and generally just spam the shit out of every social media there is.

So here are some of my links! (Best one if you want to keep up to date is my FB page.)


The reason I decided to actually stop lurking and post stuff here is because ever since I started working and finished school I'm definitely missing a "community" sense in my life, and you guys basically rock. I will definitely start livestreaming more of my studies since so far doing them alone with little feedback only helps so much. (and isn't as fun)




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Hello! I'm a freelancer + here's my story + I'm gonna stop lurking - by JordyLakiere - 01-31-2013, 06:00 PM

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