Adam Stolterman's deathline 3013
Draw from life at least every few days(everything that catches your eye. Develop artistic eyes, find interesting compositions and subjects). Learn to give your art a splash of life. Set yourself out from the crowd. Try to go to figure drawing classes with the nude model every week if possible. Learn to digitally paint from others, like idrawgirls, ctrlpaint, or whatever.

Intention and will is important. But those two things are worthless unless you become proficient at all the prerequisites. Don't bask in ignorance. Find a studio you'd like to work as doing concept art or something and see all the artistic requirements. Here's an example:

Understand fully what will allow you to be successful, and achieve those things!


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RE: Adam Stolterman's deathline 3013 - by Nexuun - 02-24-2013, 03:13 AM

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