Jh's Sketchbook! Study. Practice! APPLY!
Hey all, here's an update! Trying to ramp up my consistency (we'll see if it can sustain itself! Hopefully.)

Here's a painting I finished recently. I wanted to "test myself" on what I learned from my previous landscape studies. Slightly inspired by the backgrounds in Shadow of the Colossus. Wanted to go for that moody, sorta mysterious vibe. I'm kinda happy with how it turned out, although the subject matter is pretty simple (like... fantasy rocks). Hopefully I can come up with some slightly more interesting stuff in the future!

Stonefang Valley

[Image: stonefang_valley_web.jpg]

Also, steps! Might be useful - it's the same as my previous landscape studies.

[Image: stonefang_valley_steps.jpg]



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RE: Jh's Sketchbook! Study. Practice! APPLY! - by LongJh - 05-14-2014, 03:06 AM

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