Call me DvD
Call me DvD,

or dark, or that person with the face, I'm not picky. I am an aspiring digital artist, surprise surprise. I have extensive experience with Photoshop and Illustrator along the veins of webdesign and photo editing. But I'm getting ahead of myself, a good description of what I am now deserves a bit of exposition.

I was once training to be an IT person. Didn't really care what field at the time, I just loved working with computers as any teen would. So my amazing parents found me a tutor and I learned all things technological from him.

I learned how to break down, take apart and fix anything that was physically in a computer. Next I was taught troubleshooting and the basics of programming, to get a better understanding of the powerful computer. To start tying these things together, I next was taught webdesign. This was my first introduction to Photoshop at around age 12. From there I kept coming back to it as it was just something fun to do.

While taking classes from my tutor I was also participating heavily in a Pen and paper RPG community. Essentially storytelling with multiple authors. I almost lived on that website for a year and a half writing 4-5 paragraphs at every available chance on multiple different RPGs. From this I have developed a life long addiction to story telling and all it's forms.

Skipping forward a couple of years I started going to something that could be considered a trade school for Highschool students. There i studied both Graphic Design and IT. Sometime during that period I got an internship for IT. In which i excelled... At being bored. That job has nigh on permanently removed any enjoyment I get from fixing computers. I still do for friends and family, but it's as fun as scraping my skin off with a cheese grinder.

So I fell back onto my graphics training, which included Logo design, photo manipulation and 3D art. The last of which i'm not so great at, and have not practiced in a while.

I finished Highschool and jumped straight into community college where I took, this last semester, my first traditional art class. From this class i'm seriously considering Illustration\Concept design so i can continue telling stories in the medium of my choice, art.

Looking towards the future I will either take Digital Animation and Game Design or illustration. It's Large internal debate which will not be settled anytime soon.

TL;DR version: I fix computer good and like stories. Merging the two = Illustration\Gamedesign.
Still learning.

So call me DvD, as it represents my personal confliction of a previous life merging with the new. I'm a student searching and a storyteller trying to bring to light his words.

Messages In This Thread
Call me DvD - by Darknessvsdawn - 12-20-2013, 07:59 AM
RE: Call me DvD - by JustDraw! - 12-25-2013, 09:04 PM

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