JyonnyNovice - from Novice to Master!
Artloader thanks man, I'm gonna get serious this year and try to put out more content to make the most of this print magazine, I think I've toiled away in the art cave for long enough.

I am going to try and mix it up with the studies, maybe do some original characters wearing the costumes from the studies, or draw them in a different style or something. There is just so much stuff to draw to build up the visual library, advice I've seen repeated from lots of pro's has been just to do many many studies of artists you admire, very few ever suggest to apply it immediately after. It seems like an obvious benefit to study then draw again in your own way, but perhaps a sheer volume of studies overrides the benefit you gain? A Sycra video a while back talked about 'hard' and 'soft' visual library; hard being stuff you have totally memorised, Kim Jung Gi being the master, but soft visual library is everything you've ever seen, including all the studies you do since you have not just seen the thing but puzzled out every little line and shape. I think studying and applying it pushes it into your hard visual library but it's kind of like cramming for a test, you probably won't remember it all a year later so what was the long term benefit? Unless you draw that same thing many times at increasing intervals it will all fade to your soft visual library anyway... I dunno maybe that's all nonsense but it seems a consistent thing from some pro's, just make lots of studies, full stop. I will try different ways though and see how it goes! I'm interested to hear other people's thoughts on the study + apply vs. straight study benefits (talking about drawing, painting is different perhaps).

Simplified Hawks from photo

Final Fantasy 7 box-art studies, more realistic faces are a struggle! I need to do this more often!

Comic book creator
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RE: JyonnyNovice - from Novice to Master! - by JyonnyNovice - 03-17-2020, 12:42 AM

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