WIPS! - Bloodsports 7 - Windwaker Reworked!
I've done several different thumbnails before arriving at the arrangement I feel best captures the primary ideas I wanted to portray (as well as the required elements). I'll post the current comp once I've pushed it to color.

I still have to sit down and actually design the characters. I won't be deviating much from the major hallmarks of their current design, it's more just to get a better grasp on the style. I just wanted to be sure I had a clear idea to work from before investing too much into this challenge and progress is going fine.

(All further additions on my behalf will be edited into this post. Additional comments will serve as notification)

[EDIT 1: Adjusted image size; thumbnails were MUCH too large ]
[EDIT 2: Posted color comp ]
[EDITS 3-5: Posted Ganon, Link and Tetra sketches ]
[EDIT 6: Posted storm studies and new color comp ]
[EDIT 7: Posted original storm sketch ]
[EDIT 8: Posted Tetra character concepts ]
[EDIT 9: Posted a study and style-test sketch, as well as updated color sketch ]
[EDIT 10: Posted remainder of studies, a bit of rearranging. ]

initial scribblings, just to get an idea for what I wanted.

I was mostly pleased where this batch ended up, but there were a few "holes" I wasn't sure how to fill. Regardless, still a great place to jump off from.

There was a common sort of theme in the design and I wanted to try breaking away from it. The characters here I feel are the best elements, so I may end up using them.

I liked the general idea of this arrangement, but there were some "holes" in it that (at the time) I couldn't quite figure out how to fill. After I finished a second round of thumbs, I felt that they sort of "answered the questions" I had with the the above image (namely the massive empty space under the logo). I also liked the Ganon-silhouette from the last thumbnail and pasted it in as well, removing the awkwardly-placed Zelda behind him.

Just dropped in some basic colors, haven't done much thinking, color-theory wise, and will probably reserve that for when I have a better idea for the characters' designs and start actually painting the real thing. If I think of something in the meantime, I'll just drop them in all basic-like to see how they feel and post it up.

After finishing studies, had an idea to change the comp in a way that would add some life to the poster. Again, still very rough, and still have to design the characters.

A quick color sketch, focusing exclusively on the colors and to play around with some color-theory ideas.

(original sketch)

(Study based on Wizard of Oz matte painting)

Original painting without reference, applying the storm studies with the technique from the Oz study.

Just some rough sketches for Ganon. Trying to establish his silhouette. I generally like his Wind Waker design; the robe and long sleeves were a new look at the time that seemed to hide whatever his true power may be. I have to remember that in my comp his back is turned so you won't even really see his face. But the process is still fun.

More rough sketches, this time of Link. I don't intend to aim for realism, again, this is just experimenting with the character's look.

Actually spent some time exploring stylistic choices. Haven't settle on much, though now I feel the style will be conveyed mostly through the eyes. I want to figure out the eyes and then focus on how to approach exaggerating the features around them.

Final poster with Gamecube type:

[Image: 430226_1000418576378_38712127_39660480_5...n.jpg?dl=1]
(click above image to see post in Finals thread)

Messages In This Thread
RE: WIPS! - Bloodsports 7 - Windwaker Reworked! - by Darqjakob - 03-01-2012, 03:27 PM
RE: WIPS! - Bloodsports 7 - Windwaker Reworked! - by Mikel Butler - 03-02-2012, 12:18 AM
RE: WIPS! - Bloodsports 7 - Windwaker Reworked! - by Zaphk - 03-03-2012, 08:59 AM
RE: WIPS! - Bloodsports 7 - Windwaker Reworked! - by CharReed - 03-03-2012, 03:02 PM
RE: WIPS! - Bloodsports 7 - Windwaker Reworked! - by tempest-haze - 03-04-2012, 01:56 AM
RE: WIPS! - Bloodsports 7 - Windwaker Reworked! - by rubenlopez1 - 03-04-2012, 10:16 AM
RE: WIPS! - Bloodsports 7 - Windwaker Reworked! - by tempest-haze - 03-04-2012, 04:17 PM
RE: WIPS! - Bloodsports 7 - Windwaker Reworked! - by tempest-haze - 03-06-2012, 07:29 AM
RE: WIPS! - Bloodsports 7 - Windwaker Reworked! - by CanisPanthera - 03-06-2012, 10:34 AM
RE: WIPS! - Bloodsports 7 - Windwaker Reworked! - by Josh - 03-06-2012, 04:22 PM
RE: WIPS! - Bloodsports 7 - Windwaker Reworked! - by Vertical - 03-07-2012, 03:41 PM
RE: WIPS! - Bloodsports 7 - Windwaker Reworked! - by CharReed - 03-08-2012, 04:14 AM
RE: WIPS! - Bloodsports 7 - Windwaker Reworked! - by CharReed - 03-10-2012, 06:07 AM
RE: WIPS! - Bloodsports 7 - Windwaker Reworked! - by Newsha - 03-11-2012, 06:53 AM

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