Crimson CHOW #22 - A Modern Fantasy
I went with "artist"! Sadly not enough time to finish it right now, too, but i might do that later. At least i got the idea out :D fun challenge! Did like 10 of these super rough, almost unreadable shitty comp sketches, picked 3 ok ones and then picked my favorite from those based on which one gets the idea across the best. Having the animals in the foreground adds depth and helps with the storytelling i think. If the story comes through at this stage that'd be great, if not, ok aswell :D if i finish it there'll be colorful, half translucent glowy animals near the brush and they get more real and normal the farther they are away from it. if it'd be an animation, there would be a big circular swoop beginning at the right bottom corner with animals squirting in all directions and falling on top of each other, plants sprouting from the ground and growing etc (like the thing the moose god's feet do in mononoke, but in a more explosive and dynamic way)

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Crimson CHOW #22 - A Modern Fantasy - by ChowBot - 04-07-2017, 09:54 AM
RE: Crimson CHOW #22 - A Modern Fantasy - by Jan Kloidt - 04-21-2017, 04:03 AM

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