VickGaza - Help me learn 2D char. design
Oh my days guys honestly thank you so much for taking the time to link all those resources and breakdown steps and methodology. Honestly this is exactly what I was hoping for. I swear if someone tells me CD forums are dead onem ore time I`ll kick them in the knee :)) 

Also sorry for not replying sooner but I was really busy, but rest assured I read all posts more than twice and will refer back to them as I progress.
I will be posting art in big chunks like maybe once a month, as if I`m taking photos of drawings or spending time online too much it will just disrupt my flow. That said I do studies everyday as much as possible. Sometimes less sometimes work depending on my actual 3D job.

I`m currently going over a list of topics that are most important too tackle and will try to do stacks of 20 hours of deliberate practice on each topic. Once a month I`ll try to post the progress and number of hours.

So far I will focus on 20h in each category:
  • gestures with least amount of lines - nice warmups anyway
  • robo beans - Proko - also will use them as warmups
  • manequin 3d volumes drawings - Proko (this will be my main practice/focus activity for the next 2 months at least)
  • 5-30 minute life drawings for fun (photos and life drawing - company pays for a weekly session)
  • copying artists that I like (when i`m too tired or bored, I`ll just copy in pencil artists that I admire)
I`ll post a bit more soon, but for now my lunchbreak is done :))

Again, thank you so so much, I`ll make sure I make it worth your guys time for posting all the help :D

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RE: VickGaza - Help me learn 2D char. design - by vickgaza - 11-30-2017, 11:46 PM

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