Look what the Sonoran wind just blew in!
So I'm trying out the most recent Krita update and am not sure I like it as well.

Right out of the gate I noticed it loads way more slowly, and images take longer to open, and is a bit glitch-y-er. For example, I tried the rotate tool and could see it's handles moving but the image underneath it didn't change until I hit enter. That's BAD.

Making edits and changes takes WAY longer. Move a layer node, change it's opacity or turn it off — and a task bar comes up to show the progress. ie 33% done, 67%, 78%, and so on. It's way slower than my last version.

Also I was trying to resize the layers palette and could find the 'grab' handles. I'd hover over an edge and it would blink on for a split second and then disappear.

Worse for me — is that they took away the single click function to return your image to 0 degrees. It's now a wheel and you have to be very careful to get it to zero or hold the shift key. Either way — it's an extra step I don't like when it used to be soooo simple.

I may reinstall the older version but that one doesn't have the time-lapse feature — so I may play around with that first and try to get used to this version first.



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RE: Look what the Sonoran wind just blew in! NOW IN 5G!! - by Jephyr - 09-30-2022, 06:44 AM

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